Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Chloe is becoming more and more active. She is now playing with some of her toys. One if her new favorite toys is her fluffy soft lamby. We bring him out to play for the hour or so before bedtime during her wind down play time. Like all toys, she tries to put him in her mouth, but she also hangs on to him. For those of you who don't know, Lamby is a very special toy, because when Andrew was a baby he had a lamby too. From what I hear, he had it for quite some time after baby-hood. Actually I remember seeing it in his room at his parent's house when we moved up here. Granted he doesn't carry it around anymore, but he still has it packed away somewhere.

Chloe with Grandma Donna at breakfast this weekend. It was chilly out, so we ended up putting on the hat and sweater over her outfit.
We made it through an entire breakfast while she just sat happily playing with one of her toys. I am constantly surprised at how good she is. I don't know why I expect the worst, I guess it is because most other babies cry all the time. We are so lucky that she is not like other babies. Honestly, we have it good up here.

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