Monday, March 17, 2014

honolulu zoo

Another day trip:  this time to the zoo!  It was pretty cool!
 The girls liked the statues just as much as the real animals!

 Edamame snack break!

 Of course the gift shop had far too many options.....Think 30 minutes of lining up and narrowing down the stuffed animal options....
 In the end they both picked female foxes and named them: Cute Sparkle (Chloe) and Gingerbread (Maddie)

 Chloe doing some Hula practice at a pre-luau show.  
 more pool time
 Chloe learned to float and swim on her back this trip!

 Outdoor "cooking" with the plethora of extra spices and flour we had.

 Mom and me pedis!

 The girls earned rides at every outlet store they were good at.  I spent tons of time at Sacs so the girls had a LOT of rides :)  Man that store is awesome!!
 Whenever Chloe writes her name she writes "Chloe R".  Too cute!  There is another Chloe in her class at school so she is sure to differentiate herself every time :)

still have more to come!!

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