Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Potty Time

Now that we are settled in our new house, and Maddie has no trouble sitting on her own I decided it was time to start introducing Maddie to the potty.  It took a few days to "catch" anything but now it seems she knows just what to do when she sits down!  It is awesome!  Honestly I think she went on the potty 5 times today, and even better only had a few wet diapers (usually we go thru about 12 or more a day as I change them right when she gets wet).  

It is a little more work up front but the benefits are HUGE!  I know all kids are different but Chloe was potty trained by one, and really didn't have any "misses" or accidents after about 14 months.  In the EC (elimination communication) community you say miss instead of accident because it is probably your fault that the pee didn't make it into the potty.....you do have to take them for it to work :)  The idea is to give regular "potty-tunities" and the child will choose to use a potty rather than pee/poop on themselves. Go figure right?! Then when they get a little older they can sign or tell you when they have to go.  Then the most awesome day is when they take themselves!

If you are interested in trying it, get this book!  
<i>The Diaper Free Baby</i> by Christine Gross-Loh
It is called Diaper Free Baby and it is amazing.  I do not read self help books, or parenting books really and am not a granola girl and I can even say it changed my life!  

Yay Maddie! and Yay Mama for finally getting my act together and starting this! 


Amber said...

Yay Maddie! I'm sure she feels so happy about it too! :) It is a bit more work up front, but I think back to both of us taking our under twos to Hawaii with no diapers and just remember how awesome that was! I really am surprised more people don't do it!

Amber said...
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Mary said...

I'm gonna check that book out. I just need to get the babysitter on board ;-)