OMG!! I was getting Chloe's crib ready for nap time as usual, not expecting anything different... Put the baby on the floor, Pull the crib away from the wall,
retrieve lost
binkies, push crib back, pick up baby..... wait a minute, Chloe is standing??? Yes between pull crib away from the wall and
retrieve lost
binkies Chloe
learned to pull herself up and stand. Holy cow!

Now all she wants to do is to stand! Well I should say all she wants to do is stand AND crawl as fast as she can. Currently her favorite destinations are the DVD player (broken-thanks Chloe), and the dog bowls in the kitchen. I manage to get her up before she gets into the dog bowls, but unfortunately I wasn't quick enough for the DVD player.
Here is Chloe enjoying some play time in her play nook in the office.

Now that she can stand it is like she has all new toys. She is playing with them from a whole new perspective.

By the way, Happy Birthday Andrew!! 29!!