We made it to Seattle safe and sound. The plane ride was pretty uneventful. We tried our hardest to entertain her and to get her to sleep the whole flight down, and of course she didn't fall asleep until the plane landed.....come on really??!!! We came down for work, so that filled up most of the week but Andrew and Chloe had all sorts of adventures with her new
backpack. She loves that thing!! She pretty much giggles and squeals with excitement the whole time she is in there. Andrew said she passed out in there too. So it is fun and also induces sleep.....we should have got one sooner!!

Chloe has been exploring the culinary world with us, and is now able to have some foods. We went out to an awesome
pizza spot in Seattle, and Chloe got some pizza crust and cheerios. Yum. We tried every pizza on the menu except one (it was happy hour) and LOVED every bite!! I think my favorite was the
yukon gold
potato, rosemary and
pectorino pizza. Andrew's favorite was the
yellowfoot mushroom and truffle cheese pizza. Seriously it was hard to choose a favorite. The pizza was amazing (even better than
mooses tooth).

We also discovered that Chloe is a true northwestern baby. She LOVES the wind. It was blowing hard in Seattle, so hard that it was difficult to get forward motion against the wind. She freaked out- in a good way. We couldn't stop laughing at her laughing. She
squealed louder than we had ever heard....kicked her legs and laughed continuously whenever we were outside, and especially if there was a wind gust. She loves it here!
Chloe is napping now, so I have a minute to post some i-phone photos. More to come when she wakes up, the camera cord is down in her room :)